This article is based on a personal opinion and life experience. No one encourages a reader to agree with everything mentioned in the text.
A subjective definition
“Doing what you love” — everyone is striving for that state of being. The question is does a person find a passion organically throughout life or it is supposed to be an independent search?
Doing what one loves means creating something in any line of work that gives an incredible surge of energy, strength, and thoughts like “this is going to be amazing!”.
What “creating something” exactly means is not only brainstorming and building a start-up; it can definitely be a full-time job where a person works FOR a company yet loves it and does his/her best to contribute a bit more than others.

Why is this worth talking about?
Every individual decides whether this topic is necessary for a reflection. If a person is happy at a certain stage in life and doesn’t feel an urgency of changing something, then it’s a beautiful time.
On the other hand, if one finds something is lacking and realizes they are capable of doing more, then it’s a sign to take action that thrills and fascinates. For sure, it can take a long and hard way towards monetizing if there’s such an intention at all. It undoubtedly may be a process that requires a lot of materials, resources, time, and energy.
Now, how do you know if you need it or not?
A human desire is so much bigger than any challenge or expectation. If an idea truly belongs to you, then it feels wrong not getting straight to it. You would feel uncomfortable thinking instead of doing.
Says who?
Who said that people ought to have something to wake up for? What’s wrong with routine and simplicity?
Absolutely nothing.
The point is if someone feels emotionally, mentally, psychologically, or physically drained because one is living somebody else’s life and wasting time, this must be a wake-up call.
The side effects
As a result of being focused on a process one is obsessed with, the amount of more content people increases which, for its part, positively impacts on the local economy, culture, and, in general, atmosphere inside of a community.
Such consequences matter to those who choose to contribute to social, economic, and cultural development in a place of residence.